Name : Pauline Fannie
D.O.B : 6th of June
When it rains we wait for the sun
When the rain stops, the rainbow appears instead...
Somethings are just like the rainbow, you didn't expect it will happen but when it happened, no doubt it's short but yet it's beautiful...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dinner at home

After dinner.. We played a game of "Old Maid"
Alrighty no time... Assignment!!
10:27 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fatt and me told a days leave to catch up with our assignments.. All our assignments have very close due dates.. like a few days interval... DAMN STRESS..
Fatt showed me her forbidden blog today and everything was in a mess... So we took a break and did up her notorious blog. To see "MY" creation please click on link "Bestie"!! Haaa...
Oooohhh I saw someone in school... Some evil man that I want revenge on!! Someone I wanna embarrass so much... Errrr... The moment he say me.. those guilty eyes of his.. He don't even dare to look me in the eye. GOD! Nevermind about him.. Today Bestie and me named one of our lecture mates "Tickle me Elmo!" Haaa... Coz this guy likes to give answers that will make the whole LT laugh at his stupidity.. Wonder did he do it in purpose to catch attention!!
Alrighty, gotta do my assignment! Chaoz!
11:34 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Today's a hectic day, got alot of work today... After work I met up with Bestie and headed down to the library. Bestie said she needs to get something for her date with her boyfriend so we shopped around before going to the library...

Something funny happened in the library... I wanted to borrow a book and so I went to the machine and I slot in my IC coz I don't have a library card. I placed the book on the blue spot and the system shows "This book cannot be borrowed" so I went to the librarian and told her the system shows that book cannot be borrowed is there anything wrong? She replied me "The book cannn.. be borrowed but your IC cannot borrow the book! Because you haven't been borrowing any books for decades!" All of us laughed.. She makes me sound like I have been staying in the mountains for decades. Haa...
Was suppose to me KJE (Kat, Jess and Emma) today but they "put my aeroplane". Emma said it was raining cats and dogs at her place so postpone to next week. Haiz....
Meeting cancelled so I went shopping with Fatt again and I bought presents for darling and myself:

Got Darling Disney Stamps at a booth outside the library and I got myself a $10 top from Bugis Street... Cheap Cheap!
After i reached home, mum heated dinner for me and we ate together.. Was watching News and mum bought up a question..
Mum : How come people so interested with Edison Chan's personal stuff!!
Me : That's the power of media.. Coz it was make known to the mass it has evolved from a personal issue to a social problem..
Mum : Yah I agree.. Dunno y they wanna dig into people's personal life..
Me : I'm studying this now... "E power of media and how it influences the mass"
Mum : You mean you're studying to be 3 8? Y U CHOOSE THIS COURSE... NO USE!
Mum doesn't understand a single bit about what am i studying.. Haa... I gave up explaining to her after awhile.. Now my ears have to suffer coz she keeps on nagging about me wasting money on the wrong course..
11:26 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Shyan is leaving for Perth later at 1am... Wishing him all the best with his studies! Jia U ya!

This few days I have been duper busy with school and work... I see bestie almost like everyday.. She came to my place for dinner on Tues and we did her Stats online quiz together.. and the result... emmm... moderate...
Emmmm.... Yumm... Mummy's herbal chicken soup was Bestie's and my favourite dish that night... No wonder people say Cantonese can cook the best soup!
Kitty gave me a surprise yesterday... Haa... Hmmm I think u got bewitched man! Haaa... Don't miss me too much yah! Yah Yah i know what u wanna say... "Don't be Cheeky!" = P
Ahhhh my assignments' deadline are nearing and it seems like I have done very minimum... Gosh! And Stats is giving me a big headache... Been coming home late recently and I haven't gotten the chance to play with my Bun Buns...

<<--- MY BUNs BUNs is SO CUTE!! Love her!
Damn tired... I can even fall asleep while standing upright in the train... Gonna go sleep..
11:25 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wah Kaoz... SUPER TIRED! Didn't get enough sleep yesterday coz my niece was sleeping with me and she vomitted in the middle of the night! So gotta clean up and everything..
Today after class, I met up with Shyan for supper to catch up abit and also to say goodbye. Coz he's leaving this Thurs for studies in Perth for 2 years. Learnt frm him that SAF ain't as welfare as before... Hmmmm pretty upset by the thought of it coz I was intending to go back after my Deg!
Mum's finally cooking tomorrow! YAHOO!! I have an online quiz on Stats to do later... Sianz!! I missed the 1st tutorial so i know nuts.. Luckily bestie and 妹妹 helping me.. After quiz my assignment deadlines are all lined up closely, GREAT!Haiz... BYSHAK Pauline shi! AJA! FIGHTING!
Going orr orr... Thanks 妹妹 for fixing my blog links!
1:06 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Went to Kino yesterday to get Cecelia Ahern's latest book. Started reading.. As usual, NICE!

Woke up early to go for training.. I was late as usual and hit into a traffic jam in BKE.. Haven't been training for almost a month.. Seen alot of new faces today... Got sun burnt even when the sun ain't that strong... My skin is too thin... I gotten my new life vest today... Yahoo! No more stinky rented life vest. Still waiting for my paddle. That's my sit pad in red and my new blue life vest---->>
After training I went to meet up with Shan got some stuff for BBQ at Fair Price Yishun MRT then headed to her place. Her Semi-D is exceptionally big... Roof top is very spacious... When I wanted to take pictures using my phone I realised that I left my memory card at home. SHIT.. Sorry guys i'll post the photos when my frd uploads it. BBQ was fun and yummy.. After dinner we played Mahjong and I lost $2...
Damn tired now.. There's still training tomorrow and I have an online quiz on Monday! Gosh! Need to get some rest now...
Night All!
12:10 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008

She just gotten an LV bag for her Birthday in Jan..

Now Chanel for Vdae!!
And whose this fortunate person:

My beloved younger sis...
And who's this Ah Xia of hers:
Identity.. Secret!
(Coz if u know them then it won't be a secret lah.. Haa)
Wondering y am I so free at this hour.. Not bcos I have nothing to do but bcos I have too much things to do that I don't feel like doing any of them... Don't understand? Simply means I'm bored! 3/4 of my colleagues including my boss are not around.. On course lah, Urgent Leave lah, MC lah... After Holiday syndrome... Haa...
Heard from Fatt that PS. I Love U movie is out... But she says the trailer protrays a boring context.. Whatever it is the story i've once read was simply enchanting hence i'm gonna watch it no matter what.. To those who are into romance genre and have not read Cecelia Ahern's books before I strongly recommend you...

PS. I Love You

Where Rainbow Ends

If You Could See Me Now
3 beautiful stories that will make u weep and laugh...
3:02 PM
Just finished watching 2 episodes of "My Girl", still have 2 more episodes and i'm done with my addiction for the time being... Haa...
Vdae without My Shan and Mdm Teo = BORING!! I bought cherries & strawberries for Fatt as a Vdae present since i'm meeting her for class.. Ended up leaving it in my office's fridge coz I was rushing.. ERRR!!!

Ahhh... Lonely night... My class ended later than Fatt's so she left before me. Walked on the empty streets alone, went home alone.. What a Vdae!Class was hectic today coz i missed the 1st tutorial and now having problem catching up. Lucily I found myself an assignment group.
Ohhh... My bus took a different route today and alot of passengers missed their stops because of the change of route.. I wonder did the driver do it on purpose coz he missed the turn or something.. If that's true.. He's irresponsible man! Wonder will he get complaint for the incident.. Good Luck to him!
Night ya'll!
PS : Lee Joon Ki is getting more cute everytime I see him.. He looks alittle like me, don't u think!! Haa...

1:43 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'll be celebrating my Valentine's Day with my Bestie in SCHOOL!! Today seems like any other day to me anyway so it's still not that bad but Poor Kat seems to be pretty disappointed that she couldn't celebrate this special day coz of school.
Cheer UP sweetie! Everyday can be VDae if u guys want...
Went to the library with Fatt yesterday.. It's my 1st time visiting the New NLB, pretty lost when we were there... We managed to find some books in the reference section but it was of no use, as yet... We stayed till the librarian came chasing us to leave at ard 9+...
Drama addiction surfaces when I reached home.. Haa... Watched till 2am again! Mum nagged at me for her lethargic days coz she couldn't resist and got hooked by the drama as well.. Haa... Errrr... Assignments Assignments.. March is gonna be a hectic month with all the deadlines to meet.. AJA! FIGHTING!
Happy Valentine's Day ya'll... Enjoy this special day!
11:10 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Can't believe I watched dramas till 3am AGAIN!! If only the determination is applied to my studies.. Haa...
<<--- Lee Joon-Ki is so CUTE!!
12:50 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally today I get to see Darling... Everytime I reached home she already lying on the bed preparing to sleep.. We played Hide & Seek and read story books.. Then she has to take her Yucky Chinese Medicine..

Just look at her face... = P
Poor thing...
Haven't been going DB training for a few weeks already.. MR500 is in March and trainings gonna increased to twice a week.. AJA! Still waiting for the paddler to be delivered. Getting my life jacket this week.. Haa! Say goodbye to the smelly life jacket! Gonna go Shan's place for Rooftop BBQ after Sat's training... Looking forward, yumz!
My sup told me she was pregnant today.. Oh Gosh!! So exciting. Her wish has came true. Happy for her.. Congrats yah!
Gonna meet Bestie to go study tomorrow... Tomorrow is 7th Day of Lunar New Year "Ren Ri"... Wishing all peps Happy Birthday!Ooohh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HAPPY MONKIE!!!ALL THE BEST TO FINDING YOUR ULTIMATE JOB.
Yours Truthfully,
PS: Missing 
11:28 PM

Today's Lecture for Introduction on Comm Studies was interesting.. Coz it touched on Advertising.. My cup of tea.. Was happy & surprised coz during class someone beeped me to remind me not to doze off in class... Hee.. Thanks ya! Your smses are something I look forward to every second.. I feel blessed whenever I see your name on my screen!

This few days I have been watching Korean Drama "My Girl". Nice show, pretty addictive! As per all Korean Drama Classics of romance genre the audiences are able to predict the plots but it's still nice as it's something unrealistic, something all girls fantasize about.. Watched it till 3am yesterday and took a half day urgent leave.. Haa... Ooohh My Shan came back to office today to collect her leftovers.. Haa... Shy dye her hair real golden. Was shocked to see her! But she dressed up today. Pretty! My Shan, you should dress up more often yah! Looking forward to BBQ at your place! Ohh and also to see your bedroom, so must tidy up huh!
Was looking at my calendar yesterday and realised that I only have 2 more weeks before my 1st assignment is due... GOSH!! Am worried but yet no urge to touch on it. Errrr... Meeting up my lecture mates on Wed after work to start on it.. FIGHTING! AJA!
Alright, it's gonna be 2am soon.. Better go rest now or tomorrow gonna waste my precious leave again! Nightz all! Do pray that i am able to submit my assignments on time, haaa... Thanks Ya!
Yours Sweetly,

1:34 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
That's everyone frm my Mum's side... 
Yours Lovely,
11:47 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dinner at home

After dinner.. We played a game of "Old Maid"
Alrighty no time... Assignment!!
10:27 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fatt and me told a days leave to catch up with our assignments.. All our assignments have very close due dates.. like a few days interval... DAMN STRESS..
Fatt showed me her forbidden blog today and everything was in a mess... So we took a break and did up her notorious blog. To see "MY" creation please click on link "Bestie"!! Haaa...
Oooohhh I saw someone in school... Some evil man that I want revenge on!! Someone I wanna embarrass so much... Errrr... The moment he say me.. those guilty eyes of his.. He don't even dare to look me in the eye. GOD! Nevermind about him.. Today Bestie and me named one of our lecture mates "Tickle me Elmo!" Haaa... Coz this guy likes to give answers that will make the whole LT laugh at his stupidity.. Wonder did he do it in purpose to catch attention!!
Alrighty, gotta do my assignment! Chaoz!
11:34 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Today's a hectic day, got alot of work today... After work I met up with Bestie and headed down to the library. Bestie said she needs to get something for her date with her boyfriend so we shopped around before going to the library...

Something funny happened in the library... I wanted to borrow a book and so I went to the machine and I slot in my IC coz I don't have a library card. I placed the book on the blue spot and the system shows "This book cannot be borrowed" so I went to the librarian and told her the system shows that book cannot be borrowed is there anything wrong? She replied me "The book cannn.. be borrowed but your IC cannot borrow the book! Because you haven't been borrowing any books for decades!" All of us laughed.. She makes me sound like I have been staying in the mountains for decades. Haa...
Was suppose to me KJE (Kat, Jess and Emma) today but they "put my aeroplane". Emma said it was raining cats and dogs at her place so postpone to next week. Haiz....
Meeting cancelled so I went shopping with Fatt again and I bought presents for darling and myself:

Got Darling Disney Stamps at a booth outside the library and I got myself a $10 top from Bugis Street... Cheap Cheap!
After i reached home, mum heated dinner for me and we ate together.. Was watching News and mum bought up a question..
Mum : How come people so interested with Edison Chan's personal stuff!!
Me : That's the power of media.. Coz it was make known to the mass it has evolved from a personal issue to a social problem..
Mum : Yah I agree.. Dunno y they wanna dig into people's personal life..
Me : I'm studying this now... "E power of media and how it influences the mass"
Mum : You mean you're studying to be 3 8? Y U CHOOSE THIS COURSE... NO USE!
Mum doesn't understand a single bit about what am i studying.. Haa... I gave up explaining to her after awhile.. Now my ears have to suffer coz she keeps on nagging about me wasting money on the wrong course..
11:26 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Shyan is leaving for Perth later at 1am... Wishing him all the best with his studies! Jia U ya!

This few days I have been duper busy with school and work... I see bestie almost like everyday.. She came to my place for dinner on Tues and we did her Stats online quiz together.. and the result... emmm... moderate...
Emmmm.... Yumm... Mummy's herbal chicken soup was Bestie's and my favourite dish that night... No wonder people say Cantonese can cook the best soup!
Kitty gave me a surprise yesterday... Haa... Hmmm I think u got bewitched man! Haaa... Don't miss me too much yah! Yah Yah i know what u wanna say... "Don't be Cheeky!" = P
Ahhhh my assignments' deadline are nearing and it seems like I have done very minimum... Gosh! And Stats is giving me a big headache... Been coming home late recently and I haven't gotten the chance to play with my Bun Buns...

<<--- MY BUNs BUNs is SO CUTE!! Love her!
Damn tired... I can even fall asleep while standing upright in the train... Gonna go sleep..
11:25 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wah Kaoz... SUPER TIRED! Didn't get enough sleep yesterday coz my niece was sleeping with me and she vomitted in the middle of the night! So gotta clean up and everything..
Today after class, I met up with Shyan for supper to catch up abit and also to say goodbye. Coz he's leaving this Thurs for studies in Perth for 2 years. Learnt frm him that SAF ain't as welfare as before... Hmmmm pretty upset by the thought of it coz I was intending to go back after my Deg!
Mum's finally cooking tomorrow! YAHOO!! I have an online quiz on Stats to do later... Sianz!! I missed the 1st tutorial so i know nuts.. Luckily bestie and 妹妹 helping me.. After quiz my assignment deadlines are all lined up closely, GREAT!Haiz... BYSHAK Pauline shi! AJA! FIGHTING!
Going orr orr... Thanks 妹妹 for fixing my blog links!
1:06 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Went to Kino yesterday to get Cecelia Ahern's latest book. Started reading.. As usual, NICE!

Woke up early to go for training.. I was late as usual and hit into a traffic jam in BKE.. Haven't been training for almost a month.. Seen alot of new faces today... Got sun burnt even when the sun ain't that strong... My skin is too thin... I gotten my new life vest today... Yahoo! No more stinky rented life vest. Still waiting for my paddle. That's my sit pad in red and my new blue life vest---->>
After training I went to meet up with Shan got some stuff for BBQ at Fair Price Yishun MRT then headed to her place. Her Semi-D is exceptionally big... Roof top is very spacious... When I wanted to take pictures using my phone I realised that I left my memory card at home. SHIT.. Sorry guys i'll post the photos when my frd uploads it. BBQ was fun and yummy.. After dinner we played Mahjong and I lost $2...
Damn tired now.. There's still training tomorrow and I have an online quiz on Monday! Gosh! Need to get some rest now...
Night All!
12:10 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008

She just gotten an LV bag for her Birthday in Jan..

Now Chanel for Vdae!!
And whose this fortunate person:

My beloved younger sis...
And who's this Ah Xia of hers:
Identity.. Secret!
(Coz if u know them then it won't be a secret lah.. Haa)
Wondering y am I so free at this hour.. Not bcos I have nothing to do but bcos I have too much things to do that I don't feel like doing any of them... Don't understand? Simply means I'm bored! 3/4 of my colleagues including my boss are not around.. On course lah, Urgent Leave lah, MC lah... After Holiday syndrome... Haa...
Heard from Fatt that PS. I Love U movie is out... But she says the trailer protrays a boring context.. Whatever it is the story i've once read was simply enchanting hence i'm gonna watch it no matter what.. To those who are into romance genre and have not read Cecelia Ahern's books before I strongly recommend you...

PS. I Love You

Where Rainbow Ends

If You Could See Me Now
3 beautiful stories that will make u weep and laugh...
3:02 PM
Just finished watching 2 episodes of "My Girl", still have 2 more episodes and i'm done with my addiction for the time being... Haa...
Vdae without My Shan and Mdm Teo = BORING!! I bought cherries & strawberries for Fatt as a Vdae present since i'm meeting her for class.. Ended up leaving it in my office's fridge coz I was rushing.. ERRR!!!

Ahhh... Lonely night... My class ended later than Fatt's so she left before me. Walked on the empty streets alone, went home alone.. What a Vdae!Class was hectic today coz i missed the 1st tutorial and now having problem catching up. Lucily I found myself an assignment group.
Ohhh... My bus took a different route today and alot of passengers missed their stops because of the change of route.. I wonder did the driver do it on purpose coz he missed the turn or something.. If that's true.. He's irresponsible man! Wonder will he get complaint for the incident.. Good Luck to him!
Night ya'll!
PS : Lee Joon Ki is getting more cute everytime I see him.. He looks alittle like me, don't u think!! Haa...

1:43 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'll be celebrating my Valentine's Day with my Bestie in SCHOOL!! Today seems like any other day to me anyway so it's still not that bad but Poor Kat seems to be pretty disappointed that she couldn't celebrate this special day coz of school.
Cheer UP sweetie! Everyday can be VDae if u guys want...
Went to the library with Fatt yesterday.. It's my 1st time visiting the New NLB, pretty lost when we were there... We managed to find some books in the reference section but it was of no use, as yet... We stayed till the librarian came chasing us to leave at ard 9+...
Drama addiction surfaces when I reached home.. Haa... Watched till 2am again! Mum nagged at me for her lethargic days coz she couldn't resist and got hooked by the drama as well.. Haa... Errrr... Assignments Assignments.. March is gonna be a hectic month with all the deadlines to meet.. AJA! FIGHTING!
Happy Valentine's Day ya'll... Enjoy this special day!
11:10 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Can't believe I watched dramas till 3am AGAIN!! If only the determination is applied to my studies.. Haa...
<<--- Lee Joon-Ki is so CUTE!!
12:50 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Finally today I get to see Darling... Everytime I reached home she already lying on the bed preparing to sleep.. We played Hide & Seek and read story books.. Then she has to take her Yucky Chinese Medicine..

Just look at her face... = P
Poor thing...
Haven't been going DB training for a few weeks already.. MR500 is in March and trainings gonna increased to twice a week.. AJA! Still waiting for the paddler to be delivered. Getting my life jacket this week.. Haa! Say goodbye to the smelly life jacket! Gonna go Shan's place for Rooftop BBQ after Sat's training... Looking forward, yumz!
My sup told me she was pregnant today.. Oh Gosh!! So exciting. Her wish has came true. Happy for her.. Congrats yah!
Gonna meet Bestie to go study tomorrow... Tomorrow is 7th Day of Lunar New Year "Ren Ri"... Wishing all peps Happy Birthday!Ooohh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HAPPY MONKIE!!!ALL THE BEST TO FINDING YOUR ULTIMATE JOB.
Yours Truthfully,
PS: Missing 
11:28 PM

Today's Lecture for Introduction on Comm Studies was interesting.. Coz it touched on Advertising.. My cup of tea.. Was happy & surprised coz during class someone beeped me to remind me not to doze off in class... Hee.. Thanks ya! Your smses are something I look forward to every second.. I feel blessed whenever I see your name on my screen!

This few days I have been watching Korean Drama "My Girl". Nice show, pretty addictive! As per all Korean Drama Classics of romance genre the audiences are able to predict the plots but it's still nice as it's something unrealistic, something all girls fantasize about.. Watched it till 3am yesterday and took a half day urgent leave.. Haa... Ooohh My Shan came back to office today to collect her leftovers.. Haa... Shy dye her hair real golden. Was shocked to see her! But she dressed up today. Pretty! My Shan, you should dress up more often yah! Looking forward to BBQ at your place! Ohh and also to see your bedroom, so must tidy up huh!
Was looking at my calendar yesterday and realised that I only have 2 more weeks before my 1st assignment is due... GOSH!! Am worried but yet no urge to touch on it. Errrr... Meeting up my lecture mates on Wed after work to start on it.. FIGHTING! AJA!
Alright, it's gonna be 2am soon.. Better go rest now or tomorrow gonna waste my precious leave again! Nightz all! Do pray that i am able to submit my assignments on time, haaa... Thanks Ya!
Yours Sweetly,

1:34 AM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
That's everyone frm my Mum's side... 
Yours Lovely,
11:47 AM