Name : Pauline Fannie
D.O.B : 6th of June
When it rains we wait for the sun
When the rain stops, the rainbow appears instead...
Somethings are just like the rainbow, you didn't expect it will happen but when it happened, no doubt it's short but yet it's beautiful...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My operation is confirmed to be held on 2nd December... Listening to all the explantions of the operation procedures etc makes me kinda excited actually... I think it's because it's something new like something I've never experienced before...
Looking forward to it... Heeee...
9:35 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
10:27 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bad memories surfaced with coincident.. Denial and ignorance as the best solution.. Acceptable?! I dunno... Hope so...
5:04 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
11:59 PM
Sam's Kindergarten Journey ends here...

Early morning preparation

Done with Hair

Her First Costume.. Spanish

Done with Make-up...

While waiting for mum, her all time favourite DS lite

Pretty Make-up Artist

Concert is at CDANS

Convention LOH!!

Her 2nd time being choosen to be the host

I felt that this class had the best dressed honour

After Concert Photo Taking Session
Daddy Mummy and Rui

Rui's Grandparents over at her Dad's side

Rui and some of her classmates

Pretty Babe
Rui Ah Yis and Po Po

Rui looks so sweet in this photo
10:15 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
YEAH exams finally over... But did not do well... Think I should know the results without even looking at my result slip... Haizzz... Put it aside.. I have alot of other things to do now before school starts again.. Hmm let me see:
- Meet up with KJE & Nella (Jess went Shanghai already)
- Go Pulua Ubin to cycle with 05 Gang before my Op
- 26 Nov medical appt @ SGH then follow by Operation on 2nd Dec
- Plans for Christmas (tout of booking BBQ pit at my place, subject to availability)
- Short trip with B if possible
- Book a place to hold my dinner
- Go take measurements for my Kebaya
- Celebrate Mummy's Bday on 29th Nov
- Buy Chinese New Year clothes
Hmmmm... What else.. i guess that's tentatively it...
4:26 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My operation is confirmed to be held on 2nd December... Listening to all the explantions of the operation procedures etc makes me kinda excited actually... I think it's because it's something new like something I've never experienced before...
Looking forward to it... Heeee...
9:35 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
10:27 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bad memories surfaced with coincident.. Denial and ignorance as the best solution.. Acceptable?! I dunno... Hope so...
5:04 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
11:59 PM
Sam's Kindergarten Journey ends here...

Early morning preparation

Done with Hair

Her First Costume.. Spanish

Done with Make-up...

While waiting for mum, her all time favourite DS lite

Pretty Make-up Artist

Concert is at CDANS

Convention LOH!!

Her 2nd time being choosen to be the host

I felt that this class had the best dressed honour

After Concert Photo Taking Session
Daddy Mummy and Rui

Rui's Grandparents over at her Dad's side

Rui and some of her classmates

Pretty Babe
Rui Ah Yis and Po Po

Rui looks so sweet in this photo
10:15 PM
Monday, November 17, 2008
YEAH exams finally over... But did not do well... Think I should know the results without even looking at my result slip... Haizzz... Put it aside.. I have alot of other things to do now before school starts again.. Hmm let me see:
- Meet up with KJE & Nella (Jess went Shanghai already)
- Go Pulua Ubin to cycle with 05 Gang before my Op
- 26 Nov medical appt @ SGH then follow by Operation on 2nd Dec
- Plans for Christmas (tout of booking BBQ pit at my place, subject to availability)
- Short trip with B if possible
- Book a place to hold my dinner
- Go take measurements for my Kebaya
- Celebrate Mummy's Bday on 29th Nov
- Buy Chinese New Year clothes
Hmmmm... What else.. i guess that's tentatively it...
4:26 PM